D. Universal wind and exhaust turbine 10 kW and battery

Maximum power 10 KW. Warranty service life of at least 1000 hours. The cost of mass production of the generator is not more than 500 USD / 1 kW. L-shaped wind concentrator collects air flow near the ground. A system with elements of artificial intelligence is forced to turn it downwind with the help of additional vertical rotors. To achieve maximum efficiency, the design provides for the possibility of pulling a flexible pipe 100 m long using an aerostat. The difference in temperature and air pressure at this altitude will make it possible to generate a minimum electrical power of 1 kW, even in complete calm. Automation will translate wind concentrator and stretchable pipe with a balloon into a safe position when there is a danger of damage from strong wind (including the weather forecast on the Internet). In operation, in the maximum configuration, the system includes supercapacitors of our design and can be integrated into a so-called system. «Smart homes».


In the maximum configuration it combines with super-capacitors of the author’s design with the ability to integrate into the so-called «Smart homes».