Above is a photo gas generator frame in front installation of the reactor. Due to great value know-how which is based on a 19 year old work we do not publish photos reactor after trying. Unscrupulous negotiators reproduce the design by appearance instead signing a contract with us.
The maximum effective power of 300 kW. The ash yield is 3-5% (depending on the composition of the fuel). The cost of mass production is not more than 7000 USD. UGG combines the advantages of all known technologies of high-temperature pyrolysis of solid fuels. Unique in that it is completely omnivorous in fuel consumed. The reactor management program is based on the multi-year results of the work of several research groups and institutes in different countries of the world.
In the maximum configuration, the installation can work on the principle of «thrown and forgotten.» Arbitrary (including unsorted municipal waste) solid fuel is crushed to a fraction of 50-60 mm. with a carbon content of 10-100%, humidity up to 25% enters the pyrolysis reactor. In its core at a temperature of 8000-12000 C, solid fuel is converted into gas (the exact composition depends on the composition of the fuel, for average garbage it contains 25% CO and 25% Н2).However, pyrolysis is a very complex physico-chemical process, which is different for each component and depends on the presence of impurities, humidity, etc. Therefore, all analogues existing in the market either work only with a certain type of fuel, or require frequent intervention by operators, cleaning, changing settings, and fundamentally are not amenable to automation. To solve this problem, our generator simultaneously applies three mechanical and hardware-software solutions. It continuously rearranges his work depending on the composition of the fuel. All moving elements are controlled by a hardware-software complex with elements of artificial intelligence. Integration with the equipment from section A. allows for complete autonomy of the complex (without the supply of external power supply).
The use of a scrubber completely eliminates harmful emissions into the atmosphere. The complex of passive and active security system provides protection for people and equipment. If it is triggered, it is possible to restart the reactor within half an hour. The equipment management system will support remote service support, monitoring system parameters and updating the control program.
Thus, the owner of this installation receives a “personal gas field”. In case of installation of unit E, he also receives a “personal oil refinery” with raw materials, for which he will still be paid (for disposal up to 3 tons of garbage per day).