C. Basic solar collector.

Output maximum effective power of at least 1 KW (in the electrical version produces a constant current U = 12 V, in the mechanical version rotates pumps, fans, etc.), the total operating cost (including 100% depreciation) is not more than 0.01 USD / 1 kW * hour, warranty lifespan not less than 1000 hours, the cost of mass production not more than 500 USD.

The low-speed (up to 100 Hz) steam engine of the original design allows the use of a wide class of coolants to convert even small temperature differences (up to 300) to generate useful energy through an isobaric cycle. All physico-chemical parameters of this design, its operation and working bodies are selected so that this generator does not fall into the list of hazardous industrial facilities and (or) hazardous industries in accordance with the norms of the European Union, North American Free Trade Zone, Eurasian Economic Union, China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Ukraine.

Output electric power not less than 2 KW (sunny day at a latitude of 400-700). Warranty service life of at least 10,000 hours. The cost of mass production is no more than 1,500 USD. It is a source of energy for 1-2 basic electric power generators. This solar collector is unique in terms of price / (power * functionality) and consists of a parabolic cooled mirror and a heat exchanger in its focus. The control unit based on artificial intelligence provides the most efficient mode of operation and safety of equipment, depending on external conditions. The system can send steam to the block A for the production of electrical energy and (or) mechanical work, it can store the heated coolant in the battery. In addition to the standard rotation behind the Sun, the mirror can be folded if there is a danger of damage from strong winds (including the weather forecast on the Internet).
In the maximum configuration it combines with super-capacitors of the author’s design with the ability to integrate into the so-called «Smart homes».